Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Villains wil be villains

     So today I went to one of my favorite comic spots and spoke to a really cool guy. For the past few weeks I have been showing him my sketchbook and telling him about my trials and tribulations of putting work on the internets. He basically told me villains will be villains. In other words he was saying people are going to steal, people will lie and people will always act like idiots but I should not let them stop me from going where I need to go in life . That was the best advice I have ever heard, and I'm very thankful for that. Though some fear still sits inside of me I will no longer allow it to stop my motives completely. So with out further adue here are the first drafts of "Tails".

I know I know this isn't that great but all of these works will be redrawn once I become a little better. I will aslo try my hand at color as soon as I can get my hand on photoshop. 

1 comment:

  1. In a world where photoshop and text is so the norm this comment might be useless, but I think its important. With your text you need to spsce the letters out a little bit and make them wider so its easier to read. Also this is only my opinion, but there is a certain type of ignorance a character should have unless its like a narrator. For example when the kid says," he threw the jaguar 5 miles." No one is gonna know(unless its their power or something) specific facts like that just by seeing it. I would have went with,"he threw the jaguar a few miles." Or since hes a kid "really far". Idk just something I noticed. Nothing to really say otherwise because obviously this is just practice, and not a main project but I look forward to seeing more comic ideas from you. If you ever need help man try me. Ps I have become as obsessed with ol' Petey Parker as you bro xD.


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